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Account Management

How to adjust your account information and subscriptions, all in one place!

Edit Subscription Ship Date or Frequency

We try to make it as easy as possible to adjust your subscriptions. Here's how!. 1. Log into your Account. 2. Select "Subscriptions". 3. Click "Edit" next to the Subscription Item (or "Skip" if you just want to skip your next order"). 4. Select "Ship

Cancel Subscription

If you haven't already reached out to us to help with any trouble you may be experiencing, please do! For those who are ready to cancel, we try to make it as easy as possible to edit your wash plan. You can cancel or modify your subscription by follo

Update Shipping Address

Moved or just need to add a new friend or family member to your account? Follow these steps:. 1. Log into your Account. 2. Click "Shipping Addresses" and then "Add Shipping Address". 3. Add your new shipping address in the pop-up panel to the right a

Process Subscription Early

Need an order sooner than your next ship date? Follow these steps:. 1. Log into your Account. 2. Select "Subscriptions". 3. Select "Order Now" next to subscription you want to process immediately. 4. Select "Process Order" on the pop-up window that w

Add or Swap a Product

Want to add a one-time or subscription product to your subscriptions? Follow these steps:. 1. Log into your Account. 2. Select the "Subscriptions" tab. 3. Select "Add Another Product". 4. Select the product you would like to add to your account from

Apply a Discount Code to a Subscription

Want to apply a promotion or discount code to an active subscription? Follow these steps:. 1. Log into your account. 2. Click the "Subscriptions" tab. 3. Click the "Have a Discount?" button. 4. Add your code to the pop-up window that appears and clic

Consolidate or Sync Subscriptions

Want to get over our shipping fee threshold by syncing your subscriptions together? Follow these steps:. 1. Log into your account. 2. Click on the "Subscriptions" tab. 3. Note any subscription with different ship dates that these two subscriptions ha

Update Payment

Want to keep your subscriptions processing smoothly? Update your payment method on file by following these steps:. 1. Log into your account. 2. Select the billing tab on your account. 3. Select "Add Payment Method" to add a new payment method, or "Ed

Gift a Subscription

Thanks for sharing Dropps with friends! To gift a wash plan subscription to a friend you'll just need to select the product on, add it to your shopping cart, and enter your friend or family member's shipping address at checkout. Please

Reset Password

Passwords can be reset by logging out of your account, navigating to the login page, and selecting the "reset password" button. This will send you an email to confirm your new password, allowing you to login as usual!. If you still have any trouble a

How Do I Redeem Rewards Points and Apply Codes?

If you're having trouble applying a rewards code to your next order, you may have redeemed your points for the wrong type of code! Dropps rewards codes are split into codes for one time purchases, which cannot be applied to subscriptions, and subscri

How can I contact Customer Support?

If you're having trouble with an order, account management, or even getting a tough stain out, our support team is available via live chat, SMS, and email Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm ET. Outside of these hours you can utilize our chat widge

Why can't I view my active subscriptions?

If you received a message asking you to update your payment method on file, but upon logging in see no active subscriptions, this is due to a quirk in our system that will remove subscriptions until they have a valid payment method associated with th

How do I update my email address?

To update the email address associated with your Dropps account please send us a message at [email protected]!